Valsartan Recalled.

My pharmacy called be to tell me that my Valsartan has been recalled because it may contain a known carcinogen.  The valsartan was supposed to lower my blood pressure but I didn’t see any difference.  So I guess I won’t miss it.  Of course, my doctor will replace it with another drug which will have its own set of side effects.  Stay tuned.

Apple ID Scammers Are Back.

The Apple ID scammers are back.  They send you a phony email stating that your payment has been received.  And, if you believe that the transaction is incorrect, click on the link below.  If you do click on the link, they will then direct you to login to your account with your login ID and password.  Of course, once the scammers have your login and password, they have access to your account.  So, don’t fall for their scam.