In the 20 some years that I have been driving to Lansing, I have seen my share of dead animals lying along side the expressway. And, of course, the animals are pretty mangled, some to the point of no recognition. That is, all except the raccoons.
For some reason, the raccoons seem to escape without being mangled. They just lay along side the expressway perfectly intact, waiting to swell up like a football. It is almost as if they get to the side of the expressway and then drop dead.
Maybe the expressway is like the elephant grave yard. When the raccoon knows that it is going to die, it travels to the side of the expressway and then drops dead, like generations before him.
Or, maybe the carbon monoxide gets them. After all, they are pretty low to the ground so they would get a good dose of the gas and not even know it. They probably just start getting sleepy and then lay down for a little nap. The next thing you know, they are gone.
Obviously, I have been making that drive for too many years.