Kwame Cops a Plea.

Kwame copped a plea.  It kind of sounds like “Horton Hears A Who.”  Who’s going to jail?  You Kwame!

After the initial trial with the Governor, Kwame Kilpatrick, Detroits most famous Irishman, worked out a deal with the Governor.  In exchange for stepping down, the Governor will grant him a light sentence.  This will eliminate the show trial of the Democratic Mayor by the Republican Attorney General.

How ever, I am not sure that the Governor has the authority to commute a sentence that has not yet been given.  Unless she has worked out a deal with the AG, Kwame may still be tried.  And though the eventual sentence may be commuted, the trial will still take place.

Ringling Brothers would have been proud!

Milwaukee Airport.

We recently had to change planes at the Milwaukee airport. Our next gate was D38. The directions at the terminal pointed us towards gates 20 – 39. No problem. We found gate 20 and proceeded down the corridor. All of a sudden, we reached gate 29 and then the gates ended. What the?

After retracing our steps, we discovered that 20 – 29 were on the left side of the concourse and 30 – 39 were on the right side of the concourse.

Did I mention that Milwaukee is known for its breweries?


Our cable service was down all day Monday. What a bummer. No internet, no TV. So, on Tuesday, I called them.

When I was talking to the service rep, he noted that I did not have Comcast telephone service and that for 39.95 a month I could get unlimited local and long distance plus caller ID. I pointed out to him that if I also had their phone service, I wouldn’t be talking to him now since that too would be down. “Oh” was his reply.

He said that they couldn’t get anyone out there until Thursday but  he would check.  An hour later, the Comcast truck went down the street and my cable service was quickly restored. I really needed to use the internet before our up coming trip.

The Brother Kwame Circus.

Kwame Kilpatrick, Detroits most famous Irishman, is back in the news again.  It seems that he is challenging the Governors power to remove him from office.  And, since the Governor is holding a hearing tomorrow, Kwame is suing her.

So, here is how it stands.  If the Democrats in Detroit end up divided by what the Democratic Governor should do about the Democratic Mayor of Detroit, it could cost Obama the election.  And, since the Republican Attorney General plans to try Kwame around the end of October, which would cause bad press just before the elections, the Governor is trying to get rid of Kwame in advance.

If Jerry Springer can’t make it to the hearing, maybe Jeffery Fieger can.