The Rut.

This year, we have a six point buck running around in our back yard. Usually, we only see him at dusk but lately, we see him during the day.

The rut must be on as he is chasing around the does. There is also a four point with him. The four point doesn’t do much. He just watches.

Hopefully, I can get a picture of the 6 point before hunting season opens. He won’t last long around here.

The Dangers of Cell Phones.

A man on a commuter train in France got his arm stuck in a toilet. It seems he accidentally dropped his cell phone inro the toilet and when he went to retrieve it, his arm go stuck. Authorities were not able to free him so they removed him along with the toilet.

He was last seen being carried off on a stretcher with the toilet on top of him. I’ll bet he will think twice before using the toilet on a train.

Spotted Mustangs.

Last Friday night as we were driving home from Grand Rapids, I passed a spotted mustang on the expressway.  It was white with black spots all over it, kind of like a leopard.

As I got closer, I noticed that it had a manufacturer’s license plate.  ( Any Michigan plate with an “M” in the middle is licensed to a car manufacturer.)  Plus, it had red door handles.

All in all, I thought it was ugly.  It kind of had that “punk” look to it.  But, to each their own.

As I traveled a ways more down the road, I spotted a second Mustang, just like the first.  As I passed it, I noticed that the white with black spots exterior was really some sort of contact paper.

Ah, a secret car!  I bet I wasn’t even suppose to know that it was a Mustang.  Well, I am sorry but there are just some things you can’t hide.  What is next, a Corvette with Zebra strips?

Kitty Time.

As I am sure that everyone knows, last Sunday was the end of daylight savings time.  For us, this meant that in theory we got an extra hour of sleep on Sunday morning.

I say “in theory” because while we set our clocks back an hour, the cats were still on daylight savings time.  So, at the appointed time by their clocks, they came in to get us up.

Distraught that we were not up yet, they walked all over us.  Of course, they were not upset because we  were not up yet.  They were upset because they hadn’t been fed yet.

Setting the clocks back an hour is easy.  Setting the kitties back an hour is a challenge

Proposition 1.

One of the things that the citizens of Michigan will be voting on this year is proposition 1. Proposition 1 will legalize the use of marijuana for medical purposes.

According to the proposition, a doctor can write a prescription for the use of marijuana. This prescription will allow the recipient to grow up to 12 marijuana plants per year.

My mother died of a heart attack after she spent the night violently vomiting from the chemo she had taken earlier that day. Perhaps if she had smoked a joint she would have made it through the treatment.

Back in the 70s, the city of Ann Arbor made marijuana possession a misdemeanor which carried a five dollar fine. People predicted that Ann Arbor would become a safe haven for every pot head in the country. It didn’t.

One of my carpoolers takes methadone several times a day for his back pain. It is a prescription medicine and a whole lot more dangerous than pot and a hundred times stronger.

Now granted, I don’t believe that we need another recreational drug but lets get real. If it will help someone get through their chemo or relieve their glaucoma, then why not?

I wonder if you will be able to buy the seeds from Burpees?