Keep the Faith Baby!

The owner of a Muslim TV station in up state NY confessed to cutting off his wife’s head.  It seems that they were going through a divorce.  Apparently, it was not going well.

Oh, and the purpose of the TV station was to show Muslim’s in a positive light.  Well, it certainly changed my image of them.

You’re Out of Here!

A few years ago, my wifes parents took a family picture. The picture included sons and daughter, son-in-law and daughter-in-laws, grand son and grand daughters and great grand daughter.  In short, the whole family.

Now, there was just one thing wrong. The grand son was there with his girl friend. Should she be included in the picture? Well, since they were engaged, she was included in the picture.

Unfortunately, the wedding never took place and now, this insignificant other, is in the family picture. So, with the advent of computer technology, the insignificant other is being removed from the picture.

I guess it is easy come, easy go.

Nine Inch Nails?

Nine inch nails are nothing. A woman in Utah had nails that were almost 36 inches in length. I say had because she recently broke them in an accident.

She had not trimmed her nails since 1979 and had set the Guinness world record for the longest nail. Her nails were so long that they touched the ground. And, they were absolutely disgusting to look at.

Besides being ugly, they must have left her handicapped. How could she carry out normal every day activities? It would seem that no matter what she did, those nails would get in the way. Things like eating or getting dressed would be impaired.

Maybe now she can get back to normal, if she remembers what that was.

Found After 20 Years!

A son and daughter were recently reunited with there parents after they had been abducted 20 years earlier. It seems that grandma and grandpa did not approve of the way the kids were being raised so they abducted them and hide them for 20 years.

Through home schooling and cleaver disguises, they were able to avoid being captured. But, when a TV program aired pictures of them when they were little and pictures of what they might look like now, they were discovered.

You would think they would have asked questions about their parents.

38 KKK

A woman wants the set the Guinness worlds record for the largest beasts. Through a series of surgeries, she is now a 38 KKK! If she succeeds in her efforts, she will bump Rachael Aldana, at 34 JJJ, from the spot light.

I wonder if she will still want those large breasts when she is 60?

The Angry Whooper.

After seeing the Burger King ads for the Angry Whooper, I decided to try one. And, given my luck with fast foods lately, I decided to try it while it was still on the menu.

Besides the standard Whooper fair, it also had bacon, pepper jack, BBQ sauce and jalapeños. The first bite bit back. Very nice! It was everything that I had hoped for.

Probably the next time I try to order it, they will have removed it from the menu.

Pigeons in His Pants.

A man from Australia was detained by airport authorities after it was discovered that he had pigeons in his pants. The man had bought the pigeons overseas and since Australia is very strict on importing animals, he decided to circumvent the process.

The authorities were not amused.

Spring is in the Air.

Spring is in the air. At least it is in Detroit. And as a rite of spring, the ice fishermen got rescued from an ice flow in the Detroit river.

It seems, once again, 135 ice fishermen ventured out on to the river ice only to have it break away with them on it. And, as in years past, the coast guard had to rescue these hapless souls, lest they flow out into the Atlantic.

Now, the fisherman should have known better. After all, there was a crack in the ice so big that they needed a pallet to cross over it. But, their desire for ice fishing prompted them to take that risk and go out onto thin ice.

Fortunately, after last years spring rescue, the coast guard has decided to start charging these morons for their stupidity. No more free rescues at the tax payers expense. From now on, if you want to be stupid, it is going to cost you.

Some how, I expect to see the same thing again next year.

Kidney Donor.

A woman recently donated her kidney. While kidney removal is common, this one was unusual because the kidney was removed via her vagina.

Apparently this procedure is preferred as it is less intrusive than the conventional method. And I guess it doesn’t work for men.


I was on break with several of my co-workers when one of the women noted that she was going to see her Ob-Gyn tomorrow. One of my male co-workers, who has been divorced several times, asked what an “Ob-Gyn” was.

Not wishing to miss an opportunity for a little humor, I said that Ob-Gyn was that guy from Star Wars. All of the women busted up laughing. But my male co-worker, having completely missed the joke, started ranting about how he hated that movie which made the women laugh all of the more.

I guess there is a reason that he has been divorced so many times.