Buffalo Cheese.

A co-worker and I went out for lunch the other day. The sandwich that she ordered came with mozzarella cheese. So, she asked the clerk if it was buffalo cheese. When he said that it was, she was reassured.

Now, the woman has no taste, literally. So, I doubt that she would know the difference. Plus, I doubt that the clerk understood the question. Personally, I don’t think that most restaurants would ever serve real buffalo cheese as it is too expensive and most Americans are used to the skimmed version.

She enjoyed her sandwich.

Olive Garden, A Celebration of Salt.

In a effort to keep my blood pressure down and my feet from swelling, I have been watching my salt consumption. I am at the point where I need very little salt on my food. So, a lot of the food in restaurants tastes very salty to me.

Well, the other day, I ate at the Olive Garden. One of the dishes that I had was a potato and sausage soup. It was delicious! But, out of curiosity, I went to the Olive Garden web site to check the salt content.

WOW! was I surprised. My soup had almost 1,000mg of sodium. But then again, that is what most soups have so I guess it is not outrageous.

But, what really caught my attention was the entrees. Some of them had over 3,000mg of sodium!

I guess with all of that salt,  they sell more wine. It makes me wonder how the Italians stay so healthy.

Fresh Fruit and Veggies.

The other Saturday, as I was driving through Grand Rapids, a woman, in an SUV, passed me at a high rate of speed. Since it was 7AM and there was a hospital just down the road, I assumed that she was on her way to emergency. So, I was surprise when she turned into the local farmers market.

I guess she needed some fresh fruit and veggies for breakfast.

BK Ribs

Burger King has a new item on their menu; Ribs. So, since I love ribs and am always looking for fast food alternatives, I decided to give them a try.

The ribs are sold in packages of 3, 6 and 8. Since I wasn’t sure what to expect, I order the package of 8 figuring I can always eat the leftovers later.

When I handed the clerk my $7, she handed me a small bag. What is this? I thought. Extra sauce? Napkins? Slaw? No, it was the ribs.

I looked in the bag with disbelief. Underneath the napkins was a small cardboard box with 8 teeny tiny ribs. Each rib was about 2 inches long and an inch wide with maybe a half inch of meat on it.

I took a bite and immediately noted the taste of smoke and soy sauce. They were tender but the flavor reminded me of beef jerky.

It only took me a couple of minutes to finish them off. I was glad that I got the large order.

All and all, I wouldn’t order them again. They were too pricey, too small and not very tasty. Close, but no cigar.