Hotel Reviews, Part 2.

This is part 2 of hotel reviews.

Someone complained that their room was so dirty that they needed to wipe the baseboards down with a damp cloth. Dirty baseboards? Say it ain’t so! I can only hope that their stay at the mental institution will be much cleaner.

Another person complained that there was no free breakfast. Hello!! There is nothing free in life! You pay for everything one way or another. If you want a free breakfast, then find a hotel that offers one. Otherwise, there are plenty of coffee shops in the area with affordable food. And, if you can’t walk more than 50 feet with out an oxygen bottle, ask the valet for a wheelchair.  Most hotels have them available for free.

Finally, if you complain that the elevators are too slow for you, then take the stairs!! If you are going down, you probably can beat the elevators. If you are going up, learn patience.

I don’t want to hear ANY whining. Most of you whiner are paying a discount rate but expecting royal service. Learn to deal with it!

Hotel Reviews, Part 1.

Recently, we made a 4 day trip to Cincinnati and needed to rent a room for the duration. In a effort to evaluate hotels, I read the reviews for many of them. After a while, I got very discouraged with humanity.

For example, some one complained that after they checked into their $40 a night room on a Sunday evening, there were not enough towels at the pool. When they complained to the front desk, the clerk told them the they were out of towels but would have more in the morning. The person then said that they would never stay there again.

They were attending a sports tournament in the area and every room was booked. Did I mention that they were paying only $40 a night?

I would like to give them a TS card (true sympathy) for future use. No towels at the pool!! Life just ain’t fair!!

Another woman complained that there were homeless people sleeping in the parking ramp. Now, the parking ramp was not associated with any hotel. So, I would suggest that the next time she stays in the area, she park in a different parking ramp. Of course, if she is sleeping in the parking ramp, she should get a room instead. That way, she won’t have to worry about homeless people sleeping in the parking ramp.

Some one complained that their sheets had not been changed because there were still mascara stains on their pillow case.

Well, first of all, I hope that you are female. And if not, I hope you got lucky.

But either way, sheets, these days, do not get changed daily unless there is a major issue. If this is not acceptable, go back and live with your mommy.

I hate whiners!!

Non-Drowsy Formula.

I bought an over the counter anti-histamine in a effort to fight my allergy symptoms. It claimed to be a non-drowsy formula if used “as directed”.

Great, I thought. The last thing that I need is a medication that makes me sleepy. After all, the prescription meds that I already take make me sleepy.

Now, when I see something that says “non-drowsy formula” I assume that there is also a formula that does make you drowsy. So, if I take this medication “as directed”, it won’t make me drowsy.

But wait, one of the possible side effects of this medication is insomnia??!!

So, let me see if I understand this right. The medication won’t make me sleepy if taken “as directed” but it might keep me awake?

Well, that stands to reason. If it keeps me awake, it certainly won’t make me sleepy. At least they are truthful in their labeling.

I wonder if they also make a non-drowsy formula of No-Doze? You know, the kind that if taken “as directed” won’t make you sleepy.

Japan’s Oldest Woman.

With the discovery that Japan’s oldest man has been dead for 30 years, authorities decided to check on Japan’s oldest woman.  What they discovered was that no one has seen the 113 year old woman for more than 30 years. So, it would appear that the oldest woman disappeared about the same time that the oldest man died.

While Japan may relish their old people, they certainly do a poor job of keeping track of them.