Snowed In.

Well, I am snowed in today.  We have received 16″ of snow and it is still coming down.  It is not snowing hard but it is snowing  constantly.

The local TV station has canceled their regular programs in favor of continuous weather.  So, they have their news team out on the streets wading through snow drifts and telling people to stay inside.  Well, the weather is so bad that the only people you see out on the streets are the news team.

In a effort to inform the public of “closings” they have six crawler lines on the bottom of the screen.  Unfortunately, it is too busy to be useful.  Oh well, I can’t get out anyway so I guess it doesn’t really matter.

I saw a bunch of birds trying to use my feeders.  But, the snow was higher than the seed so the bird couldn’t get to it.  So, I shoveled a path out to the feeders, cleared the snow off of them and filled them up again.  But, the birds had moved on.

Once it stops snowing, I will fire up the snow blower and clear off the walk and driveway.  I don’t know when the snowplow will be down the street but at least I will be ready for it.

BK Jalapeno Cheddar Burger.

The other day, when I went through the drive through at Burger King, I noticed that they were promoting their new Jalapeno Cheddar burger.  And since I like Jalapenos anyway, I decided to give it a try.

When I took my first bite, I was expecting to taste jalapenos and cheddar cheese along with beef.  (go figure)  But, all I could taste was black pepper.

The burger had a nice tang to it but that was all.  There really was no flavor to it.

In short, I probably would not buy another one.