I recently attended a training class at one of the State of Michigan’s conference centers. But, judging by the number of signs posted, the facility manager must be a control freak with a whole lot time on her hands.
Of course, there were the standard signs about room usage such as shutting off the lights and keeping the room clean. But then, the signs seemed to take on a life of their own.
Now, when most people see a large red metallic cylinder hanging on the wall, they think “Fire Extinguisher.” But, just in case you are unsure, there is a sign above it which reads “Fire Extinguisher. And, in case you are unsure about the square red box on the wall with the handle on it which says “In case of fire pull down”, there is a sign above it which reads “Fire Alarm.”
There were signs telling you not to remove chairs from the rooms. There were signs telling you not move the AV equipment right next to signs telling you to put the AV equipment back after you have moved it. And there were signs telling you not unplug equipment.
Fortunately, the signs have not moved into the bathrooms. At least not yet.