The Windsor Hum.

The residences of Windsor Canada are complaining about Michigan.  While it is not unusual for the residence of Windsor to complain about Michigan, this time it is about the “hum”.

Windsor says that there is some sort of low frequency hum in their city.  It sounds like a semi truck or a loud car stereo system.  This hum has reportedly rattled house holds and terrorized pets.  And, this hum seems to be coming from Michigan.  But, worst of all, no one in Michigan hears it.

And while high ranking officials in Canada are demanding an end to the “hum”, no one seems to know what is causing it.

Maybe Matty Moroun is digging a secret tunnel to Canada.

Mexican Pizza.

The other night, we had dinner at a Mexican restaurant.  While the restaurant served the standard Mexican fare, they also served pizza.

Now, I am a funny kind of guy.  I believe that Italian restaurant should serve only Italian food while Mexican restaurants should only server… well, Mexican food.  After all, if you wanted Italian food, you should go next door to the Italian restaurant.  In fact, there is one right next door to the restaurant that we were eating at.

Ethnic restaurants should specialize in their ethnic food.  If people don’t like their ethnic food, then they should just go some where else.

What’s next?  Chinese Pizza?

Just Another Bump In The Road.

Two teen age Pennsylvania girls were run over while sunbathing in the road.  It seems that the girls had fallen asleep and didn’t notice the car until it was too late.  Their injuries were considered minor and they are expected to recover quickly.   I suspect that they will find a safer place to sunbath in the future.