Got PCs?

Lowell now has 3 computer repair stores.  Or, at least, that is the number that I have counted as I drive down main street.  While I realize that just about every house hold has at least one PC, I wouldn’t think that there would be enough PC problems to warrant 3 repair shops.  Of course, these are only the ones that have store fronts on main street.  Who knows how many repair shops are  running out of their garages.

What happened to the good old days of relying on a relative to fix your PC problems?

The 7AM Rush.

The other morning, I got around for work earlier than usual.  And because of this, I was on the road earlier.  Unfortunately, I found myself on the road with the late 7AM traffic.  And since 7AM was rapidly approaching, these people were driving like maniacs in an effort to get to work on time.  And, the closer it got to 7AM, the wilder the traffic became.

Since I don’t really enjoy driving in that kind of traffic, I vowed to never be early again.

Disappearing eHarmony Members!

While I think that the eHarmony (dating) web site does a good job, it does have its quirks.  And, some of these quirks drive me absolutely crazy.  One of the most annoying is the disappearing members.

Every now and then, an individual, who has been posted to my account, will mysteriously disappear!  At first, I thought that I was just imagining that the person ever existed.  After all, I get about 2,000 posts a year from eHarmony so it would be easy to loose track of someone.  But, after the first few times, I have come to realize that eHarmony is doing something with these people.

Normally, if some one doesn’t like the match with me, they will simply close the account.  I, in turn, will get a notice that they have close their account with me.  I then close my account with them and we are both history.

But, for these mystery accounts, eHarmony doesn’t tell me that the account is “closed”.  Rather, they tell me that the account is “no longer available”.

This drives me crazy since I am never sure if the person has disappeared or if they never existed in the first place!

The 6 Minute Sauce.

Since I was making baked beans for the very first time, I decided to follow the recipe to the letter.  And, I was doing quite well up until the instructions called for cooking the sauce for 6 minutes.

Now, if the recipe called for cooking the sauce for 5 minutes or even 10, I wouldn’t have thought anything of it.  But, 6 minutes sounded a little, well, fussy.  I mean it sounded like 5 minutes would have been too short and 7 minutes too long.

So, I put the sauce on the stove and when I remembered it, I added it to the baked beans.  And, as far as I can tell, the bean were just  fine.