Who Are You?

The other Sunday in church, a young woman came up to me and gave me a big hug and told me that it was so nice to see me again.  She said that she and her husband lived out of state and were back for a visit.  I smiled and told her that it was nice to see her again.  And, while she looked some what familiar, I had no idea who she was.  Oh well.

The Step Down Is Gone!

For the past year, I have been trying to install hardwood floors in my bedroom.  And, I have had numerous set backs.  So, I have become accustom to a slight step down from the hallway into my bedroom.

But, no longer.  I have started adding the hardwood flooring to my bedroom  There is now a smooth transition from the hallway to the bedroom.

The Ensemble?

I was looking a bathtubs on line the other day when I noticed that one particular brand advertised a matching toilet paper holder.

Now, in all honesty, I could not see anything special about the holder that made it match the tub.  But, I suppose that if you purchased the tub, you would also want to purchase the matching toilet paper holder so that you could point it out to all of your guests.



Spam Attacks.

Every now and then, I experience a spam attack.  When these spam attacks happen, the spammer will pick a particular blog posting and send hundreds of spam messages to that posting.  Fortunately, my blog host recognizes these attacks and sends the spam to a spam file.  I can then review the spam and either post it or delete it.

I am always curious as to why they pick one particular posting over the others.  This week, the spammers have been attacking my posting on oven ready lasagna noodles. That seems to be one of their favorite posts though I don’t know why.  Well, regardless, my spam filter does a great job.

Prius Drivers, The Entitlement Group.

Whenever there is a slow down of traffic in the left lane of the expressway, chances are pretty good that it is do to a Prius driver.

People who drive a Prius do so to save on gas.  But, like the rest of us, their fuel usage varies by driving conditions.  If they can drive at a constant speed, their gas mileage is good.  But, if they have to slow down and speed up, their gas mileage decreases.  So, they prefer to drive in the left lane where traffic is lighter and therefore, less slow downs.

Now, the problem arises when these Prius drivers refuse to move into the right lane to let the faster traffic move by them.  It is as if owning a Prius gives them a certificate of entitlement to the left lane.  And, when you do manage to pass them using the right lane, they are oblivious to the world around.  In short, they are not in touch with reality.

“You are what you drive.” Or maybe it is “you drive what you are”. Either way, owning a Prius is a state of mind.


The Death Grip!

The other day while I was eating in a restaurant, I noticed an elderly woman dining by herself.

Whenever a waitress or waiter would pass by, she would summons them to her table.  She would then grab their arm and proceed to talk to them for about 10 minutes.  And, while the staff was busy, they couldn’t get away because she had a hold of them.

After this happened several times, the staff seemed to avoid the table if possible.  Finally, the manager came out and sat with the woman for a few minutes.  This seemed to satisfy her and she left the staff alone.


Waiting For A Date.

Waiting for a Date?  Don’t trust the hostess.   That is what happened to me the other day.

I arrived at the restaurant a little early and told the hostess that I was waiting for someone.  So, she took my name and the name of my date and told me that they would bring her to my table when she arrived.

Well, they didn’t.  So, while I was waiting at the table, my date was waiting by the hostess.  After 20 minutes, she left without every knowing that I was there.

Moral of the story, don’t trust the hostess.