Toy Mice.

I have a cat.  And, I buy toy mice for the cat to play with.  And these toy mice are very realistic looking.  So, whenever I see one on the floor, I just ignore it.

Well, the other day, when I was vacuuming, I kept pushing one around with the vacuum.  After a bit, I came to realize that it was really a dead mouse.  So, I disposed of it.

I guess that I will have to be more observant.

Eating Macaroni And Cheese.

The other day, I was in a early afternoon meeting and one of the people in that meeting was eating her lunch.  Now, it is not unusual for people to eat during a meeting but in this particular case, the woman was eating macaroni and cheese with her fingers.

That’s right, with her fingers, one noodle at a time.  And, each time that she put a noodle in her mouth, she licked her fingers.  So, not only did I get the visual action, I also got to hear her smacking her lips.

I guess I should be grateful that she wasn’t eating spaghetti.

Back To School Shopping.

The other day, when I was out shopping for new clothes, I spotted a woman with a shopping cart full of clothing.  Not only was the cart heaped full, she had clothes hanging on the side of the cart.

At first, I thought that she was a store clerk who was restocking the racks.  But no, she was a shopper and she was buying all of those clothes!

It took the cashier over a half hour to ring her up.  Fortunately, there were several other checkouts open.

The Crappy Car Wash.

Lowell has an automated car wash.  I call it the “crappy car wash” because that is what it does.  For $7, it washes off most of the dirt but not all of it.

Of course, for $7, I can get a great car wash in Grand Rapids.  So, I only use the crappy car wash if I am desperate.

Well, the crappy car wash has now raised their rates to $8.  I thought that maybe they had made some improvements, but no. It is the same crappy car wash but now it  just costs more.  Oh well, I go to Grand Rapids enough so I only use the crappy car wash a couple of times a year.