Snow Emergency Day.

The State offices in Lansing are closed today due to a snow emergency declared by the city.  It seems that the mayor of Lansing does not want any traffic in city until after the snow emergency is under control.

Now, I have worked in downtown Lansing for 25 years and have never heard of the city declaring a snow emergency.  But then again, in the 25 years that I have worked in Lansing, I have only ever seen one Lansing snow plow and that was just a pickup truck with a blade on the front.

But regardless, it is still a day off with pay and it really is rotten outside so, I am happy to be inside where it is warm.

Mystery Money.

The other day as I entered Meijer (regional grocery chain), I stuck my hand into the pocket of my ski jacket and discovered a neatly folded 10 dollar bill.

Now, this is a mystery because I never stick paper money into my pockets.  I always put my money in my wallet.  Second, that jacket pocket contains my “gator” which I had just  worn the day before when we were out East.  If that money had been in my pocket, I would have noticed it when I wore my “gator”.  Plus, the whole time that we were out East, I charged everything so I would not have had ANY change to deal with.

The best that I can figure is that someone at the airport security check point mistakenly stuck the money in my pocket.  But, I guess I will never know.