High Cholesterol

For many years, my cholesterol level was 199 and that was OK with the medical community.  Then one day, it went up to 201 and my doctor told me that I was going to die if I didn’t do something about it.  So, I went on medication.

The first medication made my muscles hurt and didn’t seem to lower my cholesterol.  So, my doctor changed my meds.  The next medication he gave me didn’t lower my cholesterol so he put me on a different one.  That medication didn’t work either so we went on to a fourth medication.

That medication lowered my cholesterol but it was expensive. So, my insurance company didn’t like paying for it.

Finally, one day, my insurance quite paying for it.  If I wanted it, I had to pay for it myself.  When I asked my doctor about it, he said that the cholesterol numbers no longer mattered as long as I was taking a cholesterol medication and gave me a prescription for a much cheaper medication.

Maybe I could skip taking the medication and just send the drug company a check every month.

Baked Lava.

I grew in a small rural community which was, well, not very culturally diverse.  So, when a few good citizens discovered Baklava at a restaurant in Grand Rapids, they had trouble pronouncing it.  But, not to be deterred by a little thing like pronunciation, the people of the community were all a buzz about this wonderful desert called “Baked Lava.”  Needless  to say, the culture horizons of the community were shaken.

Giving Tuesday.

Well, Tuesday was “Giving Tuesday”.  With Black Friday and Cyber Monday, the non-profits decided to cash in with their own special day.  And, they made it sound like it was a super day for giving.  Unfortunately, the people who solicited me on “Giving Tuesday”  are the same ones who solicit me all year long.

New Microsoft Features!

The newest releases of Windows has two new features.  One is the jumping cursor.  With this feature, you can be typing along on one line and have your cursor automatically jump to another random location.  This feature is handy if you want some interesting sentence structures.

The other feature is the page clear key.  Microsoft has incorporated a new function key that will erase everything that you have just typed and transport you to a new page.  This feature will automatically detect when you are too wordy in your writing and make you start over again.

Microsoft, the company that we love to hate.