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Monthly Archives: November 2015
Spicy V8.
I drink a glass of V8 every morning at breakfast. And to add a little zest to it, I add a few dashes of hot sauce. So, I was pleased to discover that V8 makes a spicy version. However, when I picked up the bottle, I noticed that they wanted $.40 more for the spicy version.
$.40 more for a few drops of hot sauce? I don’t think so.
Bank Of America.
I recently received an email stating that my Bank Of America account needed to be upgraded. And since I don’t have a Bank Of America account, I suspected that it was a “Phishing” attempt. When I looked at the email address of the sender, I discovered that it was from a church and not Bank Of America. So, I assumed that the email address was “spoofed” and not valid.
When I opened the email, I discovered that they wanted me to enter my account number and my password so that I could update my account information. Of course, since I didn’t have an account with BoA, I dismissed the whole email.
But, if someone did have an account with BoA, they could be mislead. So, it is always good to call the bank before revealing any vital information.
Knife Control!
I am sick and tired of people being able to walk into any grocery store or hardware store and buy a knife in order to kill people. We just had another incident of a person wandering into a school with an unregistered knife and killing people.
When are we going to ban knives? When are we going to stop this madness?
Knives kill people! There is no reason for anyone to own a knife. Grocery stores already have our food sliced and diced for us so why would we need a knife unless we plan to kill someone? Knives kill people, that is why after an attack at an IKEA store, IKEA has banned the sale of them.
Ratty Looking Guitars.
The latest fad in music is to play ratty looking acoustic guitars. These guitars have no pick guards so they have pick scratches on face of the guitar body both below and above the strings. I guess it is suppose to make the musician look like a real hard core performer. I suspect that it will only be a matter of time before music stores start selling prescratched guitars.
Mixed Marriage.
My wife and I have a mixed marriage. She is a woman and I am a man. In this day and age, I guess that makes for a mixed marriage.
Hunting At Meijer.
No, I am not hunting for wild game, I am hunting for groceries. Our local Meijer is an experimental store. And as an experimental store, we get experimental store managers with experimental ideas.
And part of their experiments is rearranging the grocery isles. Consequently, you can never find anything in the store. And while they do have big signs over each isle announcing the contents, they forget to change the signs when they rearrange the groceries.
Fortunately, there is a very nice D&W grocery store just down the road.
Mushroom Magic!
The other day, I was in Meijer shopping for Cremini mushrooms. And while they usually carry them, they were sold out. But, they did have Baby Portabella.
Since I was wondering if I could substitute Baby Portabellas for Cremini, I looked them up on line on my iPhone. And guess what? They are one in the same. In fact, Portabellas, and Baby Portabellas and Cremini and white button mushroom are all one in the same. The only difference is that the darker and bigger mushrooms are older versions of the button mushrooms.
Now you know.
Antarctic Ice.
NASA has now confirmed that the Antarctic polar cap is actually getting bigger rather than smaller. Sorry.
The McAfee Virus.
Once again, I had to remove the McAfee virus from my PC. At one time, McAfee was an antivirus program. But in recent years, it has become a virus.
And like a virus, it installs itself on my PC with out my knowledge. Then, it interferes with or disables my existing antivirus software. Finally, it demands that I pay for using it. And, just when I think that I have gotten rid of it, it reappears.