They now have an exercise program that has a cocktail party after the workout. Somehow, I get the feeling that people will focus more on the cocktails and less on the exercise.
Monthly Archives: November 2016
Half Of The Animals Are Now Gone.
The World Wildlife Federation has announced that the wildlife population has dropped by 58%. Really? I doubt that very much.
Global Warming?
Whenever we have a day when the temperature is warmer that normal, the weather people call it global warming. But, whenever we have a day when the temperature is colder than normal, the weather people don’t call it global cooling. Why is that?
Peas, No Corn.
A new dog food claims to have peas in stead of corn. Well OK, I guess.
Cool Mint, Fresh Mint, Arctic Mint, Winter Mint….
When I went shopping for mouth wash, I was taken aback by the variety of flavors that were available. Unfortunately, the varieties were all based on mint.
And If Elected I Will….
The famous political statement says that “if elected, I will….” Unfortunately, politicians do not have the power to change anything, they can only try.
Hell Froze Over.
The Cubs have won the World Series. I guess hell really did freeze over.
Blowing In The Wind.
Wow, Bob Dylan has won the Nobel Peace Prize for Literature. What is next, Keith Richards winning the Nobel Peace Prize for chemistry?
Once A Cook, Now A Furniture Designer.
I love is when I hear that a TV cooking star is now designing furniture. I have to wonder what makes them an expert on designing furniture. And what does the furniture look like? How about a bag chair that looks like mashed potatoes. Or a coffee table that looks like creme brulee.
Fall Is The Perfect Time To Buy New Furniture.
The ad stated that fall is the perfect time to buy new furniture. Of course, I suspect that the same could be said for winter, spring and summer.