
The latest craze are Spinners.  Designed for ADHD children, Spinners are little plastic toys that provides the child with a diversion which helps to keep them under control in the classroom.

I don’t know what is the matter with children these days.  When I was in school we never had toys like Spinners.  We had to make our own diversion toys from pencils and paper clips.

Weight Loss Or Weight Gain.

One of the side effects of a drug is that it may cause “weight loss or weight gain.”  I suppose that it makes sense.  The drug may cause you to gain weight.  Or it may cause you to loose weight.  Or you weight may stay the same.  Sounds pretty non committal to me.  These people could be “weather forecasters”.

Horseshoe Shaped Rings.

I am always surprised whenever I see horseshoe shaped diamond rings.  I think that they are quite gaudy and put them in the same category as black velvet paintings. And I always wondered why anyone would want one.  But then I learned that Elvis had one so now it all makes sense.

Lexus TV Ads.

One of the latest Lexus TV ads show a Lexus driver stopping suddenly when a pedestrian in the street accidentally drops  the documents that he is carrying.  Of course, once the pedestrian moves out of the way, the Lexus driver runs over the documents.  Well, at least the driver didn’t hit the pedestrian I guess.

Truck Stop Bathrooms.

Whenever I travel and need to stop for gas, I always look for a truck stop because they usually have a full selection of food and clean restrooms.  So when I stopped for gas the other day, I used the restroom.  And while I enjoyed the CW music that was playing over the bathroom speakers, I wasn’t prepared for the chorus that burst forth from the bathroom stalls.  “Every man gotta have a pickup truck.”