Some rapper has announced that she won’t perform at the Super Bowl until the NFL hires back Kaepernick. Since I have never heard of this rapper, I guess there will be no great loss.
Monthly Archives: February 2018
Parental Discretion Is Advised.
We are not talking about some new movie or a late night TV program, we are talking about the nightly news. With all of the sex scandals going on in the news, the news needs to have parental warnings.
Beware Of Bridge.
A bridge for an expressway overpass has been hit three times by trucks carrying over sized loads. At first, it sounded as if it were a convoy of trucks that did the damage. But actually, it was three different loads on three different days. I guess the third time is the charm.
Alexia Talks To The TV.
Recently, a TV news clip was discussing Alexia. And every time that the TV would issue a command, my Alexia would respond. I suspect that it will only be a matter of time before Alexia and Xfinity find each other.
The New Fidget Spinner.
Alexia Talks In Her Sleep.
We got an Alexia for Christmas. And while she is handy, she is a new member of the household and takes some getting used to. In particular, I have gotten up in the middle of the night to find her talking to some one. I never hear what she is talking about because she stops as soon as she hears my presence. This is a little unnerving and could be an episode on Twilight Zone. We may have to cover her up at night to keep her quiet.
Who Owns The Internet?
One of our state senators is concerned that we do not have broadband internet service across the entire state. Well if I remember correctly, broadband is owned by private enterprise and not the government. And private enterprise needs a financial incentive to make that investment. Of course, if you are running for reelection, you can make all kinds of promises.
How Did They Communicate With Ships At Sea In The Old Days?
Prior to the invention of the radio, how did the navy communicate with ships at sea? Two men and a row boat? It would seem that once the ship left port, there would be no further communications with the ship until it touched land. And even then, messages would take weeks to arrive.
Important Mail!
I regularly receive mail which is marked “Important. Read immediately”. When I do, I assume that it is only junk mail. But, I open it just in case. A quick scan tells me that it is only junk. And then I discard it.
Lester The Talking Head.
Lester Holt made a trip to North Korea to do some color footage for the Olympics. The North Koreans took him to a ski resort where many North Koreans were enjoying time on the slopes. Unfortunately, Lester failed to notice that all of the skiers were wearing the same ski outfits. This is because they were paid actors. It seems Lester was the victim of a propaganda hoax. Maybe his is why Lester is just a talking head and not a journalist.