
What ever happened to dandruff? When I was growing up, dandruff was the major hygiene concern of every adult. It seemed like every time you turned on the TV there was an ad with some poor person in a black outfit with white flaks all over it. And a friend was there telling them about a wonderful new dandruff shampoo. But today there is hardly any mention of it.

Was dandruff cured by science? Well, yes and no. Science didn’t actually cure dandruff but it did discover that the shampoos back then were too harsh for the scalp. So, buy reformulating the shampoos to be less harsh, they eliminated the cause of dandruff. Now, every one can wear black with out hesitation.

Mr. Impotent!

The other day, I needed to pick up a couple of items from the local meat market. As I was entering the meat market from the alley, I noticed two little girls parking their pink bicycles in the alley next to another store.

I had no sooner entered the meat market when Mr. Impotent came in. (He thinks that he is really important but I think impotent is more appropriate.) He was in a hurry. He went over to the freezer and grabbed a package of hamburg patties from the case and waved them at the store clerk. Then, he headed out the door without pay for them.

A few moments later, I emerged from the meat market with my purchases. As I started for the parking lot, I noticed that one of the little girls bikes had tipped over. At a second glance, I noticed that not only had it tipped over, it had been run over.

Now, I was only in the meat market for a couple of minutes and the alley isn’t that busy. Since Mr. Impotent drives a big pickup truck, I am guessing that in his haste, he ran over the little girls bike.

I am sure that the little girl was heart broken to find that her bike had been destroyed. Well, at least the she wasn’t on it at the time.

Lincoln is Missing!

Scranton PA is missing a 16 foot tall statue of Lincoln.  It was last seen in 1909 when it was dedicated.  No one noticed that it was missing until some one spotted a picture of the statue.  Then, people started wondering what happened to it.

Since this statue is 16 feet tall, it is not like some one could just carry it off.  Plus, it had to be quite heavy so it would have taken quite an effort to move the thing.

My guess is that some disgruntled park workers got tired of maintaining the thing and disposed of it during the night.  Maybe Hoffa has it.

Getting Walked On.

The other morning when I woke up, I had a kink in my back. It was right between my shoulder blades and it hurt every time I moved my head. Finally, after having a meeting at work, I asked one of the women that I work with to walk on my back and she agreed. So, I laid down on the floor next to a wall and she took off her shoes and stepped on up.

It only took her a few seconds before she found the spot that was knotted up. Once she found it, she started working it over. With in a minute, she had it worked loose. What a relief.

Of course, my boss was present during the whole time and freaking out over the event. She was sure that we were doing something inappropriate but not really sure what that might be.

The trick to finding a back walker is to find one that isn’t too heavy.

Is that Pork Chop Kosher?

I was in the local meat market the other day when a guy came in sporting a Star of David charm on a necklace. This surprised me as Lowell is not known for its Jewish population. What surprised me even more was that the man was buying pork sausage. I guess he wasn’t kosher.

Going Green – Organic?

Some people believe that going the organic/free range route for their food is healthy for the environment. It is not.

The use of growth hormones reduces the amount of time that the animal is required to be fed. Since green house gases are one of the major concerns with going green, the less time that the animal is alive before going to market, the less green house gas it will produce.

Now, people may have other reasons for going organic and that is fine, but going green is not a valid reason.

“Where’re the Cherries?

I quite often have a Smart Choice frozen dinner for lunch. They are low carb, low fat, low salt, tasty and only cost about $3. Since they have a good selection of dinners , I have a variety to choose from.

Today, I tried a new one that had cherry crisp for desert. I really like cherries so I was looking forward to that tasty treat. However, when I got to the desert I discovered that there were no cherries in the cherry crisp. Instead, they had apples with cherry coloring and cherry flavoring.

It was tasty but it certainly didn’t taste like cherries. I was disappointed.