Driving Drunk and Over the Limit, Under Arrest!

Driving Drunk and Over the Limit, Under Arrest! This seems to be the motto in the Cincinnati area. At least, this is the motto on the electronic billboards on the highways.

So, if I understand it, you can drive drunk as long as you are not over the limit. Likewise, you can be over the limit if you are not drunk! But, don’t drive drunk AND be over the limit. If you do, you will be under arrest.

At least they give you options.

The Chili Cookoff.

Lowell is getting ready to have their yearly chili cook off. This years prize is tickets to the Lions! At least, that is what is says on the marquee on the old theater.

Well, around here, attending a Lions game is considered to be doing “community service”.

Learning to Speak KFC.

I love KFC but seldom eat it for lunch because the meals are alway too large. And, along with their large size is their large price.

However, recently, they have been selling a meal for $5. The meal consists of 2 pieces of chicken, 1 side dish, a biscuit and a medium soft drink. This seemed pretty straight forward so I decided to give it a try.

I pulled into the drive through and started reading the menu. Since this was a new item that was being promote on TV, I figured that they would have a big blurb on their menu. No such luck. They had all of their buckets and all of their sides listed but no mention of the $5 meal.  Oh well.

When I pulled up to the speaker, I told them that I wanted their $5 meal. They asked me if I wanted it boxed or plated. Since boxed sounded more like a bulk chicken order I told them “Plated”. Then they ask if I wanted “Original, Extra Crispy, or Grilled”. I told them that I wanted “Original”.

Next, they asked me what I wanted for the sides. Sides? I thought it only came with one side.  But no, they told me that it came with two sides. So I ordered coleslaw and baked beans. Then, with the selection of a soft drink, I was good to go.

When I got to the window, they told me that it would be $7.59. $7.59? What happened to my $5 meal?

I must have made a mistake in ordering. A quick check of the KFC website confirmed that I should have ordered a box meal. No problem. Next time I will order a box meal.

A week later, I had the opportunity to try again. Prepared with my past experience, I order a box meal. After which, I was prompted with “Chicken strips, Popcorn Chicken, Wings, Legs, White meat or Dark meat”?

Somewhat frustrated, I told them that I just wanted a 2 piece $5 meal, the one that only comes with only one side. The speaker person responded “Oh, you want a number 1”

I thought “Yes! a number 1.” File that information away for future use.

Then they asked if I wanted to super size it. Since I knew that the medium soft drink was not quite enough, I said “Sure”. Then they asked what I wanted for my second side.

Since I could see myself headed down the same road as the first time, I told them that I only wanted one side. They told me that a super size comes with an second side at no additional charge. So, once again, I opted for coleslaw and baked beans. $7.59 Thank you very much.

But, I could feel that I was getting closer. So, when the opportunity presented itself a few weeks later, I was prepared. I ordered a number 1 and told them that I did not want to super size it. They told be that for another $0.30 I could upgrade my soft drink to a large. That seemed reasonable to me so I agreed.

When I got to the pickup window I was please to discover that I had indeed ordered the $5 meal with the $0.30 soft drink upgrade.

Yes! It took a few tries but I think I have master KFC speak.

170 MPH Motorcycle.

I overheard a conversation the other day by two guys. It seems that the one had just purchased a motorcycle that will go up to 170 mph. And while he had only gotten it up to 140mph, he had to admit that 170 was too fast for him.

At 140 mph, you have to watch every move as one mistake could kill you.

Defeatest Attitude!

In celebration of a birthday, someone in the office brought in donuts. And donuts always attract those who shouldn’t be eating such things.

One woman in particular grabbed a donut and announced that she really shouldn’t be eating it. But, since she knew that her will power would give out eventually, she said that she may as well take one now and get it over with.

Well, at least she is honest with herself.

Sexy Burkas!

In Iran, the police are cracking down on stores displaying curvy female mannequins. The officials feel that the mannequins promote western culture and should be banned. The store owners and their customer disagree with the authorities so friction exists.

If the mannequins are wearing burkas, how can anyone even tell if it is a woman?

Laid Off!

I got laid off today but I am back to work now. When the State of Michigan does not have a budget, by law, it can not operate. And such was the case today.

At 12:01 AM today, the state had not agreed on a budget. And since the fiscal year ended Sept 30, the state had no way to pay for anything. So, all of us got laid off. Of course, by 2:30 AM, the governor signed a bill extending the existing budget for 30 days. So, we are all back to work, or at least most of us.

When you go to bed knowing that you are going to be laid off, you tend to sleep in. So, it will be awhile before every one gets the word. And since today is Thursday, I suspect we won’t see some people until Monday. So, this week is pretty much shot.

Of course, in 30 days if they still can’t agree on a budget, we will go through the same thing again. Life at the State, don’t you just love it!