Feral Hogs!

Michigan, like many states, is being over run with feral hogs. The feral hog population is estimated to be around 12,000 and causes millions of dollars worth of damage each year to crops and farm land. And given that a pair of hogs can have 8 to 12 litters per year, they could easily over run the state in the next few years.

Well, the Governor of Michigan has just made it legal to shoot feral hogs. Now, farmers and sportsmen alike can harvest these beasts.

Of course, I doubt that most farmers considered it illegal to shoot feral hogs in the first place. After all, these pigs are not indigenous to the state so they shouldn’t fall under the jurisdiction of the state’s wild life and fisheries. Plus, any farmer whos crops are being destroyed by these hog would probably feel justified in shooting the buggers, law or no law.

And, lets not forget the myriads of deer hunters who thought that those porkers would be very tasty. I am sure that they didn’t think twice about bagging one.

All and all, I am glad that it is now legal to shoot the feral hogs. I just hope that the state doesn’t decide to declare hog hunting a sport and regulate it.

Eminent Domain!

The restrooms at the office where I work are on opposites sides of the hallway. And while they are clearly marked on the side of the door way, women occasionally mistakenly walk into the mens restroom.

Invariably these women are talking on their cell phones or talking with other women. With their focus diverted, they don’t pay any attention to which door they are actually entering. Thus, they find themselves standing in the middle of the mens restroom with a bewildered look on their faces.

Well, apparently, there was one too many incursions into the mens restroom for the liking of one individual. He wrote “MEN” in big letters on a piece of printer paper and taped it to the door.

I don’t think that the sign was necessary. Them women are pretty fast at figuring things out.  Personally, I don’t care.  If women want to watch me use a urinal, more power to them.

Senior Executive Management Assistant.

The other day, I received a meeting request from a Senior Executive Management Assistant. Now, I had never heard of a Senior Executive Management Assistant. And, I was impressed with the title until I got to the “assistant” part.

First, there was the “Senior”. This was no “junior”, this was a “Senior”. Following that was “Executive”. Wow! This person person is an “Executive” no wait, a “Senior Executive”! Not only a “mover and shaker” but a Senior “mover and shaker”. Obviously, some one who has been around for a while and is in the “know”.

Following the “Senior Executive” was “Management”. “Management”!! Double WOW!! Definitely a leader! This is someone who is controlling the fate of the state, maybe even the nation!

Then there is the “assistant”. Assistant!? Wait, is this person then the “Senior Assistant” to the “Executive Management” or the “Assistant” to the “Senior Executive Management?”

Either way, at the meeting, this person was serving coffee. Titles are cheap.

Peepers, Yes!!

We have our first “peeper” on our glass slider. Usually, we don’t see peeper until the end of May.

Peepers are tree toads. They show up on our glass slider, because they are after the bugs that the lights attract at night.

Last year, we didn’t see any. So, I am elated to see one.

I don’t get out much.