Double Cheese Burgers.

On a recent trip to Micky D’s, my wife and I both opted for the double cheese burger. She, for the value burger and I for the regular.

When they arrived, mine said “double cheese burger” on the wrapper while hers said “special”. When she opened hers, she was sure that she had mine by mistake. After all, it had two burgers and a slice of cheese. I reassured her that we had the correct burgers because my double cheese burger had TWO slices of cheese while hers only had one.

I think from now on, I will opt for the value burger and save $0.30.  I don’t need two slices of cheese.

Smore Roasters.

The other day, when I was in the store, they were selling smore roasting sticks, 3 for a dollar. From what I could tell, they were just three foot long wooden dowel’s with a point on the end.

Now, something just didn’t seem right about this. A wooden dowel for making smore’s? What happened to the day of using a stick found on the ground or better yet, marshmallow forks?

Well, I guess if there is a buck to be made, some one will do it.

Painting Meat Red?

Are restaurants painting their meat red? The reason that I ask is because of some recent meals that I have had in restaurants.

The first were some lamb chops that I ordered medium rare. When they arrived, they were rosy red. “Great!” I thought. But, when I cut into the first chop, it was dull gray. Well, I thought, I must have gotten an end piece. But, when I cut into the second chop, it too was dull gray. Odd, I must have gotten both ends of the rack of lamb.

My next encounter was with a slice of prime rib. When it arrived, it was 2 inches thick with the coloring of a medium rare piece of meat. But, again, when I cut into it, it was dull gray.

Now, with the lamb chops, I could understand the sudden change from medium rare to well done because the chops were so thin. However, with the 2 inch slice of prime rib it made no sense. There was no transition from red to pink to gray. It was gray all of the way through. It was as if the medium rare look of the meat was painted on a well done piece of meat.

The lamb chops took me by surprise. The prime rib made me suspicious. While I hate to be a pain in restaurants, from now on, I will send it back. For the price that I am paying for these meals, I should get what I ordered.

Michigan’s “Open Carry” Law.

In Michigan, it is legal to “openly carry” a hand gun in public. This means that a citizen of the State of Michigan can legally carry a handgun in public as long as it is openly displayed. Kind of like policemen in plain clothes.

In some counties, the sheriff has officially deputized all legally registered hand gun owners. After all, they have been through all of the gun safety classes and have the required range time. So, as budgets dwindle, counties are becoming more resourceful. It will only be a matter of time before all counties start relying on their citizens to help defend themselves.

With crime rates being what they are, it is time for the public to arm itself.

Supreme Court Gun Laws.

In a surprise move, the Supreme of the United States has ruled that the Second Amendment of the Constitution (the right to bear arms) supersedes both state and local gun laws. In short, the court ruled that citizens have the right to own hand guns to protect themselves in their own homes.

This, of course, goes against the gun laws of New Jersey, Chicago and Washington DC. These three locations have long maintained that a ban on hand guns would eliminate violent crimes. Unfortunately, this only prevented law abiding citizens from owning hand guns to protect themselves against common criminals.

The common criminals, of course, possessed illegal hand guns because they were, well, common criminals. And, these common criminals used their illegal handguns against the law abiding citizens of these locations who were unarmed because they were, well, law abiding citizens.

Many years ago, a small town in Georgia was no longer able to afford a police force. So, they mandated that all citizens above the age of 21 be required to carry a hand gun. The result? Crime dropped. No surprise there. After all, criminals may not be very bright, but they do know that citizens that are fore armed are fore warned.

As the old saying goes, “when guns are out lawed, only outlaws will have guns.”

Detroat Puplik Skools.

The Detroit Public School president has a problem. It seems that his writing skills resemble those of a third grader. I would have said a fifth graders but a TV show has proven that not to be the case.

Well, the spelling problem is the least of the school board presidents problems. During a recent meeting with a female staffer, he fondled himself for 20 minutes before he decided on a private viewing. At that point, the female staffer left.

The president of the school board then resigned for health reason. (Maybe he couldn’t get it up”.) Then, he changed his minded and rescinded his resignation. After all, his does have a college diploma which he obtained after threatening a law suit against a local university. Plus, he didn’t want to loose the money.

Detroit, the fun never stops.