No Commitments!

I saw a billboard the other day advertising a health club.  The ad said “$30 per month, no commitments, no egos.”

Now, I am not sure what to make of the ad.  What do they mean by “no commitments”?  Do they meant that you are not required to show up?  Or, maybe if you do show up, you are not committed to an exercise routine?

And what about the “no egos”?  What is that all about?  Does that mean that there won’t be any muscle bound instructors running around calling you a wimp.

Well, it sounds like the perfect health club for most people.  You don’t actually need to exercise or even show up.  Once you pay your $30 dollars, you can tell the world that you belong to a health club.

I wonder if they actually have exercise equipment at this club?

Power Handles.

At the foot of the beds here at Karmanos, there is a joy stick which controls the bed. By moving the joy stick, you can change the position of the bed. Raise and lower the foot, raise and lower the head, raise and lower the whole bed.

While it is not very exciting, there is not much to do here at Karmanos.

Power Flush 2000, Deluxe!

I guess in this day and age of high tech, there is no longer any such thing as a plain old toilet. And as such, the toilets here at Karmanos are equipped to accept accessories. On either side of the bowl, there is a flange. By placing a plastic tray on either side of the flanges, they are able to easily collect what ever they need.

I imagine that if they ran hot water to them, they could even use them as vegetable steamers.

Power Flush 2000.

In order to save money and be green, the toilets here at Karmanos only use 1 gallon per flush as opposed to the old 3 gallon per flush variety.

Now these water saving toilets work well for “number one”, but “number two” is a different matter. With number two, you have to flush at least 4 times to get done what needs to be done.

Granted, these toilets do save on water since the average person does a “number one” quite a few more times than a number 2. But, flushing a “number two” does take a bit of patience and determination. In fact, it becomes more of a battle of the wills. “You will go down!”

Most of the times, I win. But, sometimes I just give up and move on. There are some things in life that should not be complicated and this is one of them. I should just be able to pull the handle and leave. No fuss, no muss.

I guess I shouldn’t complain. After all, it is easier than putting out the trash.

The Professional.

Everything at the Karmanos hospital is geared for a professional imagine. So I guess that it should not have been a surprise to discover that the toilet paper dispensers are also Professional.

Now, I am not sure what makes these dispensers Professional. Maybe it is because there are two rolls available. My dispensers at home only have one roll so does that make them amateur?

When I go into restroom at bars and restaurants, their dispensers have huge rolls mounted sideways on the wall. I guess these are the commercial series.

Well, any way, I guess the Professional is for people who know exactly what to do and how to get things done.

Get er done!

The Disappearing Cars!

During my recent stay in Cincinnati, I noted about 30 cars parked at the far end of the hotel parking lot. At first, I thought that the cars belonged to the staff. But, some, if not all of the cars, were there 24×7.

My next thought was that the cars belonged to some students at a near by college and that they had permission to park there. Again, since the cars never moved, this seemed to make the most sense.

Then, when I got up at 5AM the other morning, all of the cars were gone. They were there when I went to bed at 10PM. And there was a police car in the parking lot instead.

I had to wonder at the sudden disappearance. It is almost like they were towed. I can’t imagine that all 30 owners showed up during the night and drove off. But, like many things that I observe, I will never know.