
Bill Murray was in a golf outing the other day.  One of his tee shots took a nasty hook and went out of bounds.  It hit a woman and knocked her down.  She was standing in her yard.

Why do people build houses on golf courses?  Is it because they love the game or is it because they like the country?  In Michigan, the courses are pretty quiet 6 months out of the year but for the other 6 months, look out.

Besides all of the people on the course 7 days a week, you are going to have the issue of golf balls.  From time to time, they are either going to land in your yard or hit you and or your house.

I have seen houses on several occasions that had no trespassing signs posted on their property.  That, however, did not stop golfers from going after their ball.  I mean, what is the owner going to do, call the cops?  Anyone brazen enough to go into someones yard, is not going to be bothered by someone yelling at them from the house.

I guess if these people don’t like golfers, then they should move.

Texas Whopper.

Burger King seems to be on a roll with it’s ads lately. After the suggestive Sponge Bob commercial, they have now come out with the Texas Whopper ads.

The Texas Whopper is a burger with chilies. So, they decided to portray this by having a cowboy and what appears to be a Mexican in a super hero costume, join forces.

Well, needless to say, the Mexicans are not happy about the commercial. Burger King seems to have a knack for offending people.

Sponge Bob Square Pants.

Burger King is running an ad campaign about their new Sponge Bob meals. In an effort to promote it, they have a commercial with young woman dancing with what appears to be a large phone book in the back of their pants. Critics claim that the commercial is too suggestive for the younger audience.

Personally, I have seen the commercial and don’t find it offensive but the Burger King mascot does scare me. He reminds me of Jack Nicoleson in “The Shining”.

What a Little Stinker!

A man in a Waco Texas motel was stabbed by another man after he had a bout of flatulence. It seems that the man took offense at the venting and when after him with a knife, stabbing him in the stomach. According to the article, the man is being charged with assault with a deadly weapon. But it declined to state whether the charge was against the man who was stabbed or the stabber.

I would have thought that a stab to the stomach would only added to the smell.


I don’t know about you but I am getting tired of this piracy problem. It is time to start taking drastic action against these folks.

The ships and their crew need to be equipped to defend against pirates. Such things as early warning systems and secured cabin areas should provide at least a passive security measure. Plus, the crew should be armed and trained to defend themselves against pirates.

The days of Blue Beard and Black Beard and every other Beard should be a thing of the past by now. But as long as these ships sit there unwilling or unable to defend themselves, they will continue to be victims of these pirates.

Chreaster Weekend.

This weekend, our church is planning for Chreaster services. They are called Chreaster services because they attract people who only attend church on Christmas and Easter. And because of this, the church is adding extra services.

On a normal weekend, the church has one Saturday night service and eight Sunday morning services at two different times. Well, this weekend, they are adding three additional services on Saturday night. In fact, they are encouraging the regular Sunday morning crowd to attend on Saturday night so that they will have enough room for the Sunday morning Chreaster crowd. All and all, they are anticipating around 10,000 people.

I get to play bace for one of the Saturday night services and two of the Sunday morning services. It should be an interesting weekend.

Good Friday Traditions.

Here in west Michigan, most businesses close from 1 to 3 so that people can attend Good Friday services.  It is a Good Friday tradition.  But in other parts of the world, there are other Good Friday traditions.

For example, in the Philippines, some people there have adopted the tradition of having themselves nailed to a cross.  And even though the practice is not condoned by the Church, it does, none the less, happen.

While I applaud their piety, I think that they have missed the point.

Tarragon Vinegar.

Our favorite sauce for London Broil, Diablo, calls for tarragon vinegar. And ordinarily, I can purchase this a our local Meijer’s (regional grocery chain). But lately, I can’t seem to find it. And while they carry an assortment such as pear or rosemary, the tarragon seems to be missing. So, thinking that our Meijer’s might not have the selection of one of the bigger stores, we went to the Cascade Meijer’s.

Now, the Cascade Meijer’s definitely had a larger selection of vinegar. There was peach and plum and even pomegranate but alas, no tarragon.

Did something happen to the tarragon vinegar this year? Was it dropped for lack of interest? Regardless, I suspect that it is easy enough to make so I will give that a shot. After all, if we can make Bailey’s Irish Cream, we should be able to make tarragon vinegar.

A Boulder in the Valley!

When I was in the store the other day, there was an attractive middle-age woman there wearing shorts and a top. She had obviously been in out in the sun as she was dark brown all over. And judging by the top that she had on, she wanted to show off both her tan and her cleavage.

It was all very attractive until I noticed that right in the middle of her chest was a huge wart. Now, I am not talking some little blemish, I am talking a third nipple. It was disgusting.

She must have known that it was there. Maybe she was oblivious to its existence or maybe she just didn’t care. Either way, it was distracting in a negative sense. It was like looking at a boulder in the valley.